damages of lung tissue in children living in Aral Sea region Kazakh State Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan Objective: Aim of investigation � study some processes in lung tissue in
children, who died from diseases connected not with pathology of respiratory
system. Methods: Autopsy material was investigated: preparations of lung tissue of
children in age to 2 years old � 51,8%, in age 2-5 years old - 15,5%, in
age 5-7 years old - 13,7%, in age more 7 years old - 19%. Results: Macroscopic picture of lungs was characterized, in most observations,
by bars of lung tissue, cloudy of connective tissue around small bronchial
tubes and vessels. Emphysematous expansion in field of lungs tops were
detected in some cases, small cysts were discovered in lung tissue, on
account of lung tissue had �cellular� condition. Pre-root lymphatic glands,
big pea size, had black color on the section. These changes testified about
connection between lung tissue pathology and T-cell-bound immunity activity.
Results of microscoping of authopsy preparats detected some changes, which
are typical for different stages of alveolitis. Thickening of the intralveolar
partitions due to overgrowth of connective tissue was discovered in lung
tissue. Diffusive alveolitis was diagnosed in 35,48%
cases, disorganization of alveolar structures � 45,16%, �honeycomb lung� �
19,36%. Conclusion: Analysis of pathologoanatomical study of
lung tissue from children lived in region of ecological catastrophe � Aral
Sea region � had detected prevalence interstitial damages of lungs as
fibrosis alveolitis.