Immunodeficiency conditions in children living in the Aral Sea region

Mazhitova Z, Peretyatko N

Kazakh State Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Objective: Aim of present investigation � study of immune status changes in children suffered of combined chronic pathology living in the region of ecological catastrophe - Aral Sea region.

Methods: Immune status of 510 children in age of 3-15 years old was studied by immunological method.

Results: Study of the immune status detected the considerable decrease of the non-specific immunological reactivates of an organism. In this case 2 predominated types of immunologic disorders were classified.First � primary affection of T-link immunity (56,9%), which can be characterized by decreased of T-cells quality with the more expressed T-helper population deficit on the background of T-suppressors dominances.This reflected hypersuppressory direction of the immunologic processes. In this point, levels of the main classes of immunoglobulines were in standard. Second type of immunologic dysbalance had combined character (43,1%): decrease of quantitative parameters of regulatorial T-lymphocytes which were combined with the considerable decrease of T-cells common quantity and decrease of serum immunoglobulines A and G concentrations was registered.

Conclusion: It is obvious, that first type of immunologic violations reflected the initial stage of second immunodeficiency forming, when only disorders of the reticular processes are registered in the immune system. In the case of combined violation more expressed deficit of the cellular and humoral immunity, which can affect the immune reactivity of the respiratory and alimentary tracts mucous membranes (JgA) were developed.