Chromosomal change in children living in territory near the Semipalatinsk nuclear rang

Mazhitova Z, Choy S.

Kazakh State Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Objective: Opening and wide use of a nuclear energy has resulted in necessity of study a radiation influence on the hereditary device of the man.

Methods: 40 children, among them - 20 children living in Semipalatinskregion, 20 children -from control groupwere examined by cytogenetic method. Research carried out on macromethod, according to a standard technique in laboratory of an experimental mutagenezis of Institute of General Genetics and Cytogenetics of an Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 2000 metaphases of blood crates of children living in Semipalatinsk region were analyzed.

Results: The chromosomal aberrations were revealed in 4 children (20 %)in the blood lymphocytes. The general frequency of the aberrations in the aberrative cells has made 37. The chromatid aberrations � 30 (81%) was the most part from them. The general frequency of the aberrations on a crate has made 0,019, whereas in control group - 0,013.

Conclusion: These data specify authentic increase of the abberations frequency in crates of children living in territory near Semipalatinsk nuclear range.