Chronic bronchitises in children living in the Aral Sea region

Mazhitova Z, Seysebaeva R

Kazakh State Medical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan


Objective: Aim of investigation � to reveal some peculiarities of chronic bronchitis manifestations in children, caused by pollution of air basin in zone of ecological crisis � Aral Sea region.

Methods and Results: 516 children in age of 6-16 years living in Aral Sea region were examined. Results of investigations had showed, that 47,2% children suffered of chronic bronchitis had constant symptom � cough. Poor separating of phlegm discovered in 10,6% children. By percussion of lungs: pulmonary sound was detected in 59,6% children, pulmonary sound with box-note shade � in 3,1%, deadening of pulmonary sound in paravertebral parts � in 37,3%. By auscultation of lungs: single dry and heterogeneous damp rattles on background of hard breathing were detected in 77,6% cases. Index of external breathing function was characterized by lowering of exhalation speed to 70% form standard. Obstructive type of pulmonary ventilation was detected in 52,7% children with general violation of bronchial conductivity. Restrictive type was diagnosed in 15,5%, and mixed type with prevalence of obstruction- in 2,48% children. Roentgenography of lungs showed some signs of bronchitis and initial signs of lungs hyperventilation in 80,7% cases. Cytomorphological investigations of bronchial mucosa smears-imprints: dystrophical changes of epithelium, its desquamation, proliferation and dysplasia of different degree.

Conclusion: Prevalence of obstructive type with development of lung ventilation violation and dystrophic processes in bronchial mucosa is peculiarity of a chronic bronchitis in children living in ecologically unfavorable region.