Liang Weilan1, Hao Bo1, Wang Shuang1, Zhang Zhixiang1, Zuo Qihua1, Tardif T2, Fletcher P 3

1 Peking University First Hospital, Beijing, China

2 The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

3 University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China


Objective: To conduct a norming study of Chinese Communicative Development Inventory (CCDI) and to study Chinese children�s language development.

Method: Based on the MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory (MCDI) and naturalistic studies of Chinese children�s language development, the Chinese Communicative Development Inventory (CCDI) was developed. The CCDI includes two forms, one for infants, another for toddlers. Parents of 1691 infants and toddlers, aged 8~30 months, were asked to report their children�s language abilities.

Results: 8-month old children can understand, on average, 99 words. The mean age at which children start to talk is 9~10 months. 16 month-old children can understand 314 words and can say 78 words, whereas 30 month-old children can say 709 words. For both the infant and toddler forms, the mean production scores tended to be higher for females than for males of the same age, with the means, for males lagging by one or two months. However, no sex differences were reported for comprehension of words.

Conclusions: CCDIs is a useful and convenient tools for measurement early development of Chinese children �s communicative competence.