Sentsova TB, Akoev YS, Pinaeva AR

Research Center for Children�s Health, Moscow, Russia


Immunomicrobiological peculiarities of bacterial UTI were studied in 102 (premature + mature) newborns.75% of urine isolates E.coli demonstrated P fimbria, in 66,7% of them of pоly type I. E.coli, isolated from the term babies with UTI was characterized by more frequent presence of phosphatase, DNA positive germs and more marked hemolytic activity compared to that from preterm babies.The abstence of the simultaneous isolation of bacterial P fimbria in urine and P erythrocyte,s antigen spoke in favour of transient bacteriuria in the newborns. Bacterial UTI in the newborns were characterized also by the activation of anti lipid A antibodies, elevation of secretory immunoglobulins in coprofiltrates, complement system disbalance and decrease of microbicial activity of neutrofiles. Elevated concentrations of  2-microglobulin in serum (11.48 2.07 mg/ml) in healthy newborns pointeed on the functional immaturity and insufficiency of kidney tubular reabsorbtio! n and filtration rate high  2-microglobulin urine excretion (19.039.22 mg/ml), observed in the newborn babies withUTI was most likelyconnected with the tabular disfunction.