Coenzyme Q10 In the Treatment of IdIopathIc DIlated
CardIomyopathy In ChIldren Elshershari H, �zer S, �zkutlu S, �zme
Ş Hacettepe University Children�s
Hospital, Department of Pediatric
Cardiology, Ankara, Turkey Background: It has been reported that
myocardial mitochondrial function can be improved by the administration of
coenzyme Q10 in adults, but there is no report about it's therapeutic effect
in children. In fact, coenzyme Q10 has been shown to be deficient in
myocardial tissue biopsies taken from dilated cardiomyopathy hearts, compared
to normal hearts. Objectives: To evaluate the role of
coenzyme Q10 deficiency in the compromise of cellular bioenergetics in
idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, the clinical and functional responces to
coenzyme Q10 therapy were determined in children. Patients: Six patients with dilated
cardiomyopathy who had congestive heart failure with New York Heart
Association class III symptoms and ejection fraction less than 50% during
standard therapy were randomly assigned. Intervention:
Coenzyme Q10, 10mg/kg/day. Measurements: Left ventricular systolic
function (measured by echocardiography). Results: After coenzyme Q10 therapy
for a mean period of eight months, the clinical symptomatology regressed with
improvement of NYHA class from class III to I in all but one case and there
was a significant increase in fractional shortening and ejection fraction in
five cases. Conclusion: The improved cardiac function shows that therapy with coenzyme Q10 is remarkably beneficial in children due to correction of coenzyme Q10 deficiency in mechanisms of bioenergetics. Because of the small size of our study, we cannot definitively say that we had documented a therapeutic effect but this treatment should be evaluated in more number of cases. |