Anastasiou A1,3, Margaritopoulou B1, Kalambouka E1, Katsiardani K-P2, Katsiardanis K2, Tsaldari H3.

1 Center Health of Velestinos, District of Magnesia

2 Medical School � University of Athens 3 "Karla" Scientific Society


The objective of the research was to investigate the causes of deaths for children and young people, under 26 years old, to focus on the quality of the causes and to relate them to other factors, in an attempt to prevent such deaths or reduce their number. Method - material: The Town Hall of Velestinos (V) provided us with data concerning births between 1970-95. For every year we checked the people whose names had been crossed out for various reasons. We separated people who were still citizens of V, while at the same time, they had a second residence in nearby areas, together with their registered permanent residence in V (12.6%). We separated the number of people who had died. We spotted the families of the deceased and we collected information from the City Hall employees or relatives of the respective families. Results: a) In a total of 1314 citizens (705 men), we spotted 12 deaths (D) throughout the 26-year period (9� mortality), which concerned people from 0* to 26 years old. 9D concerned males (75%). b) i) 7D (58.3%) had been caused by accidents [6D by road accidents (86%). 5D of them had been caused by a car accident and 1D by a motorcycle (with 1 motorcyclist dead) and 1D (14%) by hand grenade explosion during military exercise (act of God)]. ii) The remaining 5D (41.7%) had been caused 1. by loss of infant in infant section, 2. death of a baby suffering from infection, 3. heart disease of a baby who had been operated on, 4. heart attack in a working area of an 18 - year - old male, 5. hereditary disease of a 16 - year - old teenager. Conclusions: a) The main cause of death for children and young people, chiefly males, under 26 years old is, firstly, the road accident (caused by many factors) and secondly congenital diseases As a result, intervention is necessary on an individual as well as a general level, so that we can prevent road accidents which caused the death of many people.