OF LOGISTIC BETWEEN THE INFANT ASTHMA AND THE INFANT TEMPERAMENT Wu lihui1, Li changchon2 1 Department of Child Health Care, Affiliated
Children�s Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College, China 2 Department of Pediatrics, Affiliated Children�s
Hospital of Wenzhou Medical College,China Objective: To observe the
relationship of the infant asthma and factors about the infant temperament
etc. Methods: Questionnaire for 300
from 4 to 8 month old infants about the temperament related factors. And
analysis by non-condition Logistic regress model. Results: The child with difficult
temperament has more than three times chance to suffer from the asthma.The
difficult temperament related to the factors of passive smoking and child
atopy and parents atopy. Four high related factors to infant asthma, there
are: (1) passive smoking (OR=1.039�
95% CI1.003~1.076); (2) environment pollution
(OR=2.527 95% CI 1.049~6.127); (3) child atopy (OR=3.597 95% CI 1.825~7.088); (4) parents atopy (OR=2.539 95% CI 1.050~6.138). Conclusion: The child with difficult
temperament must be intervened and administered as emphasis. It is
important to make regular child temperament tests for every child,
especially for difficult temperament one. The temperament is a individual
nature character being congenital and hereditary, and has common area with
making mechanism of asthma. The temperament may be related to hereditary
and susceptibility for asthma. There will make far-reaching influence about
psychology and behavior for asthma�s child.