Xu X-L

General Hospital, Tianjin China


Objective: To assess the intelligence level of 50 cases of children with congenital heart disease. To analyze congenital heart disease about developing intelligence emotion behavior question, self-perception and social accommodation. Author summarized specialty of psychoanalytic behavior of children with congenital heart disease. So we can obtain their focuses from doctors, nurses and other staffs.

Methods: 50 cases of children with congenital heart disease were in my hospital and in my policlinic from 1995. Age between 3 to 13 years old Through examination, we can diagnosis them congenital heart disease. We analyze psychoanalytic behavior of these children by asking about fourteen questions. 50 children with congenital heart disease were all answering these questions. These questionnaires were all received. We use CRT. PPVT.or CDCC Intelligent Scale to test every child.

Results: Congenital heart disease is common disease. It influences not only corpus health of children, but also psychoanalytic behavior of children. If we diagnosis the patient having congenital heart disease. Doctor might choice correct operation way. After operation, we prevent complication. And put them going on convalescence training after operation and so on. On the other hands, We must understand emotional response of children and his parents and tell some knowledge about congenital heart disease. Lead children and their parents how to face the disease and how to do something. We find psychoanalytic behavior question about children and his parents at once. Under physiological-psychoanalytic social medicine way we master all round specialty of patient with congenital heart disease and performance effective psychoanalytic nursing. All patients went out from our hospital and have good health and good psychoanalytic.

Conclusion: It is very important to quest psychoanalytic behavior about children with congenital heart disease.

Effective psychoanalytic nursing can progress children large convalescence. Life quality can rise at the same time.�������������������������������������������������������