Tian Liyuan Zheng Huacheng
Hebei Children�s Hospital, Shijiazhuang, China
Objective: Newborn especially preterm newborn and
stressed newborn has significantly incor that of coagulation system. The
current study was performed to investigate the state of fibrinolytic
syreased tendency of bleeding. Change of fibrinolytic activity should not
be ignored in mechanism of bleeding except fstem in healthy newborn and the
relationship between fibrinolytic activity and gestational age, birth
weight, anoxia and to analyse the possible reason and risk of tendency of
bleeding in neonate.
Methods: plasminogen activity (Plg), tissue type
plasminogen activator activity (t-PA), plasminogen activitor inhibitor
activity(PAI), D-dimer were measured in 39 healthy neonates(birth weight ≧2500g),31 low birth
weight neonates(<2500g),and in 28 stressed term newborns.
Results: All co with healthy term newborns significantly
decreased. Plg and D-dimer were observed in healthy mpared premature
neonates and in stressed term neonates. And PAI Enhaced was observed in
preterm neonates. PAI/t-PA was enhanced. D-dimer showed an extremely large
range of values, and Plg D-dimer show a good corralation with gestational
age and birth weight (P<0.01 or 0.05) D-dimer represent a significant
correlation with anoxic time (P<0.01), Plg and D-dimer might be served
as typical markers of fibrinolytic system.
Conclusions: largely personal difference of
fibrinolysis is indicated in healthy neonates; Change of fibrinolytic
activity is significantly related to gestational age, birth weight and
anoxia; Decreased fibrinolytic activity may play a important role in
mechanism of neonate hoemorrhage especially to premature and stressed