Soltanzadeh M.H.

Department of pediatrics Imam Hossain

Medical Center, Shaheed Beheshti,

University Tehran, Iran.


Due to changes in incidence clinical signs & presentation of UTI in neonates we designed a study to evaluate a population of neonates admitted in Imam Hossain Medial Center, Tehran, Iran. We evaluated the occurrence of UTI, age & sex ratios, most common organism& risk factors in the neonates. This was a prospective study conducted in 1998 at the Imam Hossain Medical Center. For this study, all the admitted neonates were screened by routine U/A & U/C by clean catch if the tests showed WBC count of > 5 Supra pubic testing was done. From the 402 cases, 102 showed anomalies& were therefore rejected from the study. The other remaining 300 cases had been admitted for ictrus, R.D. hypoglycemia, low Apgar and PROM. The results obtained were as follows; 53% males& 47% were female admitted in the 1st 3 days after birth & 44% after the 3rd day. The U/C was positive in 10 neonates, 3.3% of the admitted population, 1.3% had UTI in the 1st 3 days after birth & 2% after the 3rd day of birth. From the 10 neonates, there were 6 F& 4 M & the most common organisms were Klebsiella followed by E-coli, BC was positive for bacteria in 20% of cases .the most important factor in early UTI was found to be PROM. The results are higher than the international statistics.