THYMECTOMY IN MYASTHENIC GRAVIS IN CHILDREN Li JH, Zhang ZW, Zhu XK, Hu J Children's Hospital Affiliated Medical College of Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, China Objective: To look for a minimal
invasive approaches and better cosmetic result for extensive thymus glad
remove in children with myasthenia gravis. Method: Five 4 to 8 years old kids with myasthenia gravis were involved
in this study last year. The patient is placed in supine position. A skin
incision is made in midline just below the jugular notch within 3-4 cm. The
sternum is splitted from up down to third intercostal space with Sarns saw.
An appropriated small chest retractor is placed. The main portion of thymus
glad lying just below the incision is well exposed. Thymus glad and the
surrounding tissues are carefully removed. If there is thymus pole
posterior to the innominate vein it is also easy to remove under direct
vision. Then the sternum was closed with maxon stitch. Neither drain
catheter nor flap were needed. Result: All areolar tissue, fat and thymus glad were
removed without any difficulty. Symptom of myasthenia gravis disappeared in
4 and progressed in 1. Conclusion: Upper mini-sternotomy is a
minimal invasive technique that allows an extended thymectomy while leaving
the chest wall largely intact. This technique has the same surgical result
as original one for children with myasthenia gravis. This technique has
better results in pain control, improve respiratory function, less hospital
stay and cosmetic outcome.