Zhang HF1, Shearer MJ2, Li GS1, Harvey J2, Tian XQ1

1 Dept. of Pediatrics, Second Hospital, Hebei Medical University, Shijiazhuang, China

2 The Vitamin K Research Units, St Thomas� Hospital, UK


Objective: As a marker in diagnosis of vitamin K deficiency, Protein ��induced vitamin K absence -II (PIVKA-II) was used in the patient sera of late Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding ( VKDB).

Methods: PIVKA-II was measured in 9 cases of late VKDB using ELISA. The ages were from 30 to 80 days. All had no underlying disease, but did not receive vitamin K prevention at birth and were exclusively breast fed and occurred to intracranial bleeding.


1. The samples of 2 cases were collected in pre-vitamin K therapy. Their PIVKA-II levels were 34.96 AU/ml and 23.06AU/ml.

2. The samples of 4 cases were collected after 12- 24 h vitamin K therapy. Their PIVKA-II levels were 39.88, 0.291, 20.49, and 38.36AU/ml, respectively.

3The samples of 2 cases were collected after 48-72 h vitamin K therapy. Their PIVKA-II levels were 30.99 and 14.65AU/ml.

4.                   The samples of 1 case were collected after 8 days vitamin K therapy. Its PIVKA-II level was 2.86AU/ml. After 14 days, the PIVKA-II valve had been less than 0.15AU/ml.

Conclusion: PIVKA-II indeed is a reliable indicator of biochemical vitamin K deficiency.