STATUS H.Elkhayat1,
K. Taman2, N. Ismail2, Z. Beshry3,
A.S. Hafez4 and H. Elgebaly2 1Pediatrics
Department, 2 Medical department -Institute
Postgraduate of Childhood Studies, 3Psychiatry Department, 4Public
Health Department, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt Objective: A cross
sectional study of sexual maturation of 3600 normal Egyptian school girls
aged 10-18 years in different educational stages was carried out at Cairo
governorate. The aim of this study was to up date reference for normal
pubertal development and to elucidate the relation of serum levels of zinc
and selenium to different pubertal stages and psychological status. Methods: All studied girls
subjected to anthropometric measures (weight, height, weight for height
ratio) and sexual maturation according to Modified Tanner's
classification. Serum levels of zinc and selenium were measured by using a flamless
atomic absorption spectrophotometer (Model 406,2000 graphite) and
personality traits Arabic version of Eysenck's personally questionnaire. Results: Puberty as
indicated by stage II of breast, pubic hair and axillary hair development
were 10.0 +1.9, 10.7 +2.3 and 10.6��2.3 years respectively and
the mean age of menarche was 12.3 +1.0 years. The mean value of
weight, height and weight for height for age ratio was
significantly increased in stage II of puberty. Serum selenium level was significantly +ve
correlated with all different pubertal stages. But, serum zinc level was
not statistically different in various pubertal stages. Although, mean
serum levels of selenium and zinc were higher in girls having menarche
earlier than 12.3 years of age, yet; serum selenium showed only statistical
significant difference.
Personality traits showed that there was tendency to psychoticism
(17%), introversion (30%), extroversion (40%) and neurotisim (16%) and
tendency to lie (60%). Conclusion: Puberty is
a physiological process that needs good nutrition, especially, some trace
elements as zinc and selenium that found to be essential for sex
maturation. Also, psychological support of girls at this stage of
development is mandatory to avoid early or late sequelae.