Objective: 13
nationalities and 50 million people are living in southern China - Guangxi.
We have studied the characteristics of neonatal jaundice in Guangxi. Methods: The ethnic
disturbance and normal serum bilirubine (SB) value were studied in 227 term
neonates. The causes of hyperbilirubinemia and relationship of dose-effect
in phototherapy and use of intravenous gamma globulin were studied.
Results: 227 cases of normal term neonates, 23.8% of Zhuang (׳) nationality,
5.7% of Yao (��) nationality, others are Han (��)
nationality. The peak SB value is 180 �� 45 ��mol/L at 4-5 days postnatally,
23% is above than 220 ��mol/L, 11% is above 256 ��mol/L. In our area the
primary cause of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia is G-6-PD deficiency (38%),
the second is ABO hemolysis disease of newborn (ABO HDN) (12.8%), other
cases could not be determined. Appearances of jaundice in the cases of
G-6-PD deficiency are varied and the jaundice persist longer times. The
phototherapy apparatus is made by local factory. The effect on decreasing
SB level is about 10mg / dl after 48 hours of phototherapy. Relationship of
dose-effect in phototherapy existed. Both in ABO HDN and G-6-PD deficiency
we use IVIG plus phototheraphy and the jaundice decreased more rapidly than
control group. Conclusion: Guangxi
Zhuang Autonomous Region is a multi-nationality region in China. The
characteristics of neonatal jaundice are (1) a high percentage of normal
term neonates and their SB level is more than 12-15 mg/dl (2) G-6-PD
deficiency is the primary cause of neonatal hyperbilirubinemia, another
cause is ABO HDN. (3) phototherapy apparatus which is made by local factory
could decrease the SB about 10mg/dl after 48 hours of phototherapy. (4)
Therapy of neonatal jaundice with
phototherapy plus IVIG is effective in both ABO HDN and G-6-PD
Liu Yi, Liu Younan, Zhong Danni
1st Affiliated Hospital, Guangxi Medical University,
Nanning, China