pulmonary venous
flow spectrum to Evaluate
ventricular function in children with renal hypertension Qiu Y, Sheng X-G, Ling R-L, Song H First Hospital,
Shantou University Medical College, Shantou, China Objective: To study the
change and relationship between pulmonary venous flow (PVF) spectrum and
left ventricular (LV) function in children with renal hypertension(RH), as
well as to evaluate the influence of enalapril to left ventricular
function. Methods: 25 normal
children as control group and 24 cases with RH (RH group) were studied. The
LV function (EF, E, A, E/A), PVF spectrum (S, D, AR, S/D), RVPEP/AT,
AT/RVET were measured transthoracically with HP-5050 color Doppler
echocardiography. Results: Significant
differences were found in D wave (39.32��8.26 cm/s vs. 52.37��7.81cm/s, P<0.001), AR (31.57��3.72cm/s vs.
24.33��4.35cm/s, P<0.01)��S/D (1.30��0.37 vs.0.89��0.40, P<0.05) between RH group and
control group, also in E (0.62��0.12m/s vs. 0.76��0.10m/s, P<0.05)��A (0.63��0.11m/s vs.
0.46��0.09m/s, P
<0.01)��E/A��0.98��0.30 vs. 1.65��0.32, P<0.01��. There were
significant changes in all the above parameters between before and after
the enalapril therapy in RH group except for S and EF. RH group existed
significant differences in RVPEP/AT (1.13��0.17 vs. 0.87��0.15, P<0.05) and AT/RVET (0.29��0.05 vs. 0.36��0.08, P<0.05) compared with control
group. There were significant relativity between D or AR and AT/RVET
(respectively��=0.82, ��=-0.85). Conclusion: PVF
spectrum and mitral valve flow spectrum might be used to evaluate LV
diastolic function of RH children. The changes of D, AR and AT/RVET could
sensitively reflect RV after-load. And enalapril could improve the LV
diastolic function of RH children.